Scholarship for Privately Financed Students : Sato Yo International Scholarship Foundation(Fall Application / 2021FY AND 2022FY)

The following scholarship is currently available for Saitama University students to apply.

Please refer to the outline of information listed below.

Applicants may download the application form and submit the necessary documents to the Office of International Affairs.

Name of Foundation

Sato Yo International Scholarship Foundation (Fall Application)

Eligibility(as of October 2021OR April 2022)


・Undergraduate / Master’s / Doctoral Students

・Self-financed student with “Student” Visa

・Applicant must be enrolled in SU for at least 1 year

during the scholarship period(starting from October 2021 OR April 2022).

・Student who has already been accepted to Master’s / Doctoral Program from Octobera2021 or April 2022 is also eligible to apply.

・Student whose parent(s) living and working in Japan is ineligible

・Students must have Japanese language skills that do not interfere

with their studies/research.


Designated Nationality

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, East Timor, Vietnam

Field of Study

no limitation

Amount per Month

Undergraduate : 150,000 JPY

(plus additional support to cover cost for tuition fee)

Graduate : 180,000 JPY

(plus additional support to cover cost for tuition fee attending conferences )

Period of Scholarship

2 years from October 2021 OR 2 years from April 2022

Application Deadline

within SU

July 9 (Fri) 2021, 11:00

*Deadline for Prospective Students : August 10 (Tue) 2021, 11:00

Required Documents to Submit / Download

All documents may be found in Japanese

Application Outline

Application Guideline

Application Form1(format 1)

Application Form2 (format 2)

Essay Format (format 3)

Recommendation Letter (format 4)

Evaluation Sheet (format 5) *Doctoral students only

⑥Academic Transcript (refer to “Application Guideline”)

⑦List of Published Papers (refer to “Application Guideline”)

*Graduate students only

⑧Research Plan (refer to “Application Guideline”) 

*Graduate Students only

⑨Enrollment Certificate or Acceptance Letter

⑩Copies of Student ID card and Residence Card (both sides)

Financial Statementエクセルファイル

How to Apply


・Submit the below documents by e-mail to Office of International Affairs by July 9 :
The tile of your e-mail must be “SatoYo Application Form-Student number/Your name”
①Application Form 1, ②Application Form 2, ⑥Academic Transcript, ⑧Research Plan, ⑨Enrollment Certificate, ⑩Student ID Card and Residence Card, ⑪Financial Statement

・Receive an approval from the University, and obtain the University ID Number
(will be announced by the Office of International Affairs via e-mail)

・Apply online through foundation website Entry Form by July 15 (Fri)

・Submit the below documents by e-mail to Office of International Affairs by July 26 :
The tile of your e-mail must be”SatoYo Additional Document-Student number/Your name”
③Essay, ④Recommendation Letter, ⑤Evaluation Letter(graduate students only), ⑦List of Published Papers (graduate students only)



 ・Prospective students must submit all the documents by August 10 (Tue).

The tile of your e-mail must be

“SatoYo Application Form-freshman/Your name”

・Application in Japanese only (Interview will be held in Japanese.)

Place to Submit

Office of International Affairs :


 * Click hereこのリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます for other scholarships currently available to apply (as of June 25, 2021)