Report of the 1st “SU Pair Chat” (International Exchange Program on Campus) Event.

On Friday, April 15th, the first “SU Pair Chat” event was successfully wrapped up, where students paired up and enjoyed chatting with each other in English. This event, held for the first time, was attended by 36 Japanese and international students. Some students planned this event themselves, provided some hint sheets for students who are not good at English conversation. Every participates enjoyed English conversation about casual topics such as “food” and “music”.

Participating students commented, “I’m glad I could participate in this event because I don’t usually speak English.” “The atmosphere was so relaxed, and it was fun to interact with students from other faculties and grades.”

Some students also request such kind of events to be held more often.

Why don’t you join them? Next “Pair Chat” will be held May 6th!!





<Photos of the event>

Students change pairs every 8 minutes, and enjoyed chatting with various students.




IMG_0267 Pair Chat No1











Click here about ”What is Pair Chat ”.